The power of value aligned spending

Last week we talked about shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. Let’s take the next step in reflecting on our relationship with money and think about how we want to spend our hard-earned money. Something I’ve noticed during quarantine is that I’ve been much more aware of my spending. Material items don’t feel as important these days. What feels good to me is supporting companies and causes I care about. It feels so different and so much more satisfying to part with my money this way. It’s becoming hard for me to justify buying something without thinking about the organization behind the product or service.

I was looking to buy something for my nephew and while I love buying things for the babies in my life, it felt even more meaningful to get him something that was sourced ethically and sustainably. I ended up ordering this super fun tote and supporting Imani Collective which provides “women, men and their families with empowerment, skills training, community and access to education.” I usually feel guilty after spending money, but not this time. 

Value aligned spending encourages us to think about whether a purchase is in line with our goals or philosophy. I can attest to the idea that when we spend our money (and time!) on things that are in line with our values and goals, we feel more fulfilled and experience more joy. This sounds obvious, but oftentimes when we look at what we spend money on in our lives, many things are not actually adding value. Our spending may be influenced by our peers, societal norms, carefully targeted marketing and ads, or even our society’s drive for materialism.

Let’s take a moment and think about a value statement for ourselves. Start by making a list of your values. Then narrow down your list and create a sentence or two that includes your values. Here’s my value statement: I want to live an adventurous yet balanced life, filled with empathy, courage, curiosity, kindness, love and thoughtfulness. Can you tell, the classic overachiever in me had a hard time narrowing down my list of words?

I encourage you to take your value statements with you throughout your daily routines and think about whether or not your spending aligns with your value statement. Are you feeling that extra magical meaning and joy that happens when you align your spending with your values?

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