women & wealth

How does compound interest work?

How does compound interest work?

Wondering why we are so adamant about getting you into investing asap? It’s because of the power of investing early and compound interest. Here’s a hypothetical example of two people who started investing at different times in life and where their accounts ended up.

The economics of abortion access

The economics of abortion access

Earlier this year, we talked about how to invest in gender equity and how this pandemic has had a disproportionately negative effect on women. With Texas’ anti-abortion law SB8 taking effect last week, it’s a good time to revisit gender equity and talk about the economics behind abortion access.

Closing the gender wealth gap

Closing the gender wealth gap

The gender wealth gap is the average difference between how much money women have compared to men, or their total assets minus debts. In the U.S., on average women own 32 cents on the dollar compared to men. You read that right, THIRTY-TWO MEASLY CENTS.

What to do with that 50k sitting in your bank account

What to do with that 50k sitting in your bank account

Give yourself a high-five! With a high bank account balance, you’ve already established an emergency fund. This also means that you are a champ at budgeting, saving, and living within your means. So what do you do with the money that’s in excess of your emergency fund? The simple answer, help your future self!