A look-back at Q2 2020

A look-back at Q2 2020

We are currently in the 5th month of a global pandemic and its economic, social, and political repercussions. It’s safe to say that we’re all feeling a bit of anxiety. Let’s briefly recap what has been happening April through June 2020.

A look-back at Q1 2020

A look-back at Q1 2020

In the first three months of 2020, the world changed before our eyes. In January, our major global concerns were the Australian wildfires, the trade war with China, and the Presidential impeachment. Now, the economy and markets are driven by reactions to the spread of the coronavirus as well as government responses.

A Look-Back at Q4 2019

A Look-Back at Q4 2019

The fourth quarter of 2019 had its fair share of political drama. We witnessed a historic impeachment and the start of the 2020 election cycle. What consequences, if any, do politics have on the direction of the stock market and ultimately your portfolio?

A Look-Back At Q3 2019

 A Look-Back At Q3 2019

The third quarter of 2019 seemed like a textbook case of information overload. There were political headlines concerning international trade policy, economic headlines concerning fundamental factors, and fiscal/monetary headlines concerning interest rates, all of which played a role in this quarter’s ups and downs.