Reading recommendations while social distancing

With all of us being hermits these days, we thought it would be the perfect time to share some of our favorite books. Here are our top recs when it comes to personal finance and investing. Here’s to emerging from social distancing as a financially savvier you!

  • A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel - This is Gideon’s go to book to recommend to people who want to get a basic understanding of finance and the stock market. He swears by it. 

  • The 30-Day Money Cleanse by Ashley Feinstein Gerstley - This book is extremely readable and actionable. It takes you on a 30 day journey and helps you to cultivate a healthier, more mindful relationship with money. We especially love how Ashley emphasizes aligning your spending with your values. You know us, we are all about that value alignment.

  • The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason - This 122 page timeless read is available free online in .pdf format. Clason conveys through stories the insights and mentality behind investors and growing long-term wealth. One line specifically has always stuck with us, “a part of all you earn is yours to keep.” 

In case you’re also looking for some other good book suggestions, here’s what we’re currently reading:

  • The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris - This is an emotionally moving book based on a true story about Lale Sokolov who worked as a tattooist at the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. The book is in the process of being adapted into a miniseries/film, so we also have that to look forward to!

  • Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl - Also a book about Auschwitz, Frankl’s first-hand experience of the endless pain and struggles he endured in concentration camps are vividly told through daily routines and anecdotes. It is truly astounding what the human body and mind can endure and adapt to. 

  • The Most Powerful Woman in the Room Is You by Lydia Fenet - I found this book on a list of good books to read to learn more about how to sell and turns out it’s not only been very useful and applicable, it’s also an entertaining read. In the book, Lydia talks about her own experiences and takes you along as she works her way up from interning to Global Head of Strategic Partnerships at Christie’s Auction House. We’ve all shared many of the same thoughts and experiences so it’s been really helpful for me to see how she has learned and grown.

What have you been reading? Anything we should add to our list? Let us know. 

Stay healthy, stay home!