Last week we talked about voting with your dollars by buying from companies that align with your values. This week we’re going to get into another way of voting with your dollars, your invested and saved dollars in particular. Changing how your money is invested is up to 27 times more effective at lowering your carbon footprint than buying sustainably.
Each time you make a deposit into your savings account, your bank essentially borrows some of that money from your account and lends it out to other borrowers. Your bank could be using your money to help build oil pipelines, fund projects that lead to deforestation or even directly fund the American prison system. It’s time to find out where your money is going and what it could be funding.
“We might be fighting for peace, the environment, human rights, and all the causes that are dear to our hearts - but if our money is funding weapons, tobacco, pollution, forest fires, we need to start asking our banks some questions.”
Join us in supporting the #mymoneymyplanet campaign and its organizer Mattrvest, to hold our banks responsible. Here’s what you can do:
Sign the manifesto.
Once you sign the manifesto, the #mymoneymyplanet campaign will send a personalized letter to your bank demanding transparency and change. You can read the letter here.
Take a selfie with your bank card.
Then post it on your social media, tagging your bank and asking where your savings are invested. Don’t forget to add #mymoneymyplanet and tag some friends to join you as well.
Help us spread the word about the campaign.
The more of us participate, the more likely we are to make a difference. Share the #mymoneymyplanet campaign with your friends and family.
Visit the #mymoneymyplanet website and Mattrvest to learn more. It’s time to change the way our money impacts our society and our planet.