Happy new year!

Happy new year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays. I’m back after a glorious break and am ready for 2022. This was our baby’s first holiday season and although I already love the holiday season, this year was something **extra** special. Seeing Kai’s eyes light up when looking at holiday lights for the first time, watching her admire our Christmas tree, and having her discover the satisfying crinkle of wrapping paper brought indescribable joy. I hope you were able to relish in some holiday cheer as well in spite of the pandemic.


So now that it’s 2022, I’m trying out something new. Rather than make a new year’s resolution, I decided to focus on one word to keep coming back to throughout the year. I was deciding between several different words. Savor, dream, patience, and build were all up there, but I’ve settled on the word intention


I want to approach this year with intention, particularly when it comes to thinking about how I use my time, energy, and money. Thinking about these areas of life with intention will mean consciously making decisions about how to best utilize these significant resources. In thinking about time and energy, this Harvard Business Review article from a while back comes to mind about how it can be more effective to manage your energy than to manage your time. It’s an interesting read, would recommend! I also recently came across a video of someone (I forget where I saw this so please share it if you know!) saying how people would rather have 10% of your time at 100% of your energy than have only 10% of your energy and 100% of your time. This felt so true to me. I know that I’d rather spend only a little bit of time with someone who is fully present than a lot of time with someone who is on their phone and distracted. All that being said, I have a lot to think about and process in regards to being intentional, but that’s where I’m headed in 2022.

In the next few weeks, I’ll delve into the different areas I plan to be intentional about money (since this is a newsletter related to money after all!). Stay tuned for more.

What’s your word of the year?